If you have any problems with the instructions, then please email Mike Thompson who will be happy to help.

How to sign in to Firefly

Follow the link here: Click to log in. This should present you with the following screen:
The first time you login, you will have to activate your account. Click the "Activate Your Account" option in the green box at the bottom of the login section. You will be asked to enter an email address.

Please make sure you use the email address that we have on record for you.

Then, click the Activate Account blue button
  1. Firefly will then automatically send an email to the address that you have entered. Please make sure and check that it has not gone into your spam folder, or similar.

    The email should look something like:
Click on the Activate account link. You will be asked to enter, and then confirm, a password of your choice. Finally, again choose Activate Account.

You can now return to the Firefly page as before, and enter the email address and password into the Parents' Login box.
Having logged in, you will be taken to the Parent Dashboard.

When you have logged in you will be able to sucessfully access the links to the pages below, which explain the Parent Dashboard, and Resources sections of Firefly in more detail.

A Firefly Parent app is available from the app stores on both iPhone and Android phones. The School code needed to install the app is WOODHOUSE