Moving to EdExcel 4SD0

Delivering the 4SD0 Syllabus over 3 years


Please find a summary of my current thoughts for the delivery of the EdExcel 4SD0 over the next 3 years. The sidebar allows for quick navigation through the contents.

This page also holds an indexed, searchable, filterable and exportable (based on the current active filters) specification (that I extracted from the real specification). I should have done for CIAE, but never got round to (sorry!). Helpfully, EdExcel mark all the 'examinable' practical activities with the word 'practical', so now you can search the list to get a list per topic/unit/year.

I have split the specification points into basic units of study #1-#11, which I think make sense, and given links to the only textbook, which I think we would probably be fine without - I'm proposing we develop booklets per unit instead.

The collapsible boxes below give you the summaries of content for each year, then content and notes organised by year headings.

Year 9 Content.
  • Unit #1 Basics of Chemistry: States of Matter, Atoms,
  • Unit #2 Periodic Table: Group I, Group VII
  • Unit #3 Air & Oil: Gases in the Atmosphere, Gas Tests, Crude Oil
  • Unit #4 Separation and Purity: Distillation, Chromatography, Purity

Year 10 Content.
  • Unit #5 Ions: Ionic Bonding
  • Unit #6 Ions in Action: Acids, Bases, Salts, Ion Tests
  • Unit #7 Metals: Reactivity of Metals
  • Unit #8 Chemical Reactions: Rates, Equilibria, Balanced Equations

Year 11 Content.
  • Unit #9 Maths in Chemistry: Moles, Energetics
  • Unit #10 Molecules: Covalent Bonding
  • Unit #11 Organic II: Alkanes, Alkenes, Addition Polymers

Year 9 [2022-2023]

Winter: Half Term 1
Unit #1: Basics of Chemistry

EdExcel 1.1 to 1.3, 1.14 to 1.19

The bulk of this (unsurprisingly) is identical to CIAE topic C3, the only major addition is the inclusion of isotopic abundance calculations. The Ma dept don't teach weighted means, so this will be totally new to all students. We used to cover particle theory in Year 9, but when November setting exams were introduced I had to remove it as there were no questions on it (beccause it gets covered in Physics).

Expected Teaching: 6 weeks
Winter: Half Term 2
Unit #2: The Periodic Table

EdExcel 1.18-1.24 and 2.1-2.6

There's (slightly) less content here with the loss of transition metal properties and Group 0 uses. However, the bulk of the content GI and GVII remains the same. I think 1.20 is better placed in the 'Ions in Action' unit or in Metals, rather than here.

Expected Teaching: 6 weeks
Spring: Half Term 1
Unit #3 Air & Oil

EdExcel 2.44, 2.49 and 2.50, 4.7-4.18 and 2.9-2.14

I am broadly convinced that Y9 is the wrong place for the cation and anion tests. Pupils will need the gas tests for O2, CO2 and H2O. However, of the large number of Schemes of Work I have read over the last few weeks, most schools (and the KS3 NC has crude oil in Y9). My proposal is that we split Organic into Oil and Alkanes/Alkenes and teach the oil content in Y9 and the 'proper' organic content in Y11, after covalent bonding. That leaves us with pollution which I think fits nicely into Year 9.

Expected Teaching: 10 weeks (full term)
Spring: Half Term 2
Unit #3 Air & Oil

EdExcel 2.44, 2.49 and 2.50, 4.1-4.18 and 2.9-2.13

I don't think this could be completed in less than a full term. There's just too much content!

Expected Teaching: 10 weeks (full term)
Summer: Half Term 1
Unit #4 Separation and Purity

EdExcel 1.9-1.14, 2.5

As a slightly more gentle end to the year (before end of year exams) I like the idea of meaningful practical work - chromatography (and Rf values), saturated solutions (potentially with some graph work and data interpretation about solubility), purity. I still think filtration and crystalisation belong with salt preparation in Y10

Expected Teaching: 3-4 weeks
Summer: Half Term 2
End of Year Exam


A half term preparing for the end of year exams, finishing off any content that has spilled over and then completing the exams, going over the exams etc.

Expected Teaching: 3-4 weeks

Year 10 [2023-2024]

Winter: Half Term 1
Unit #5 Ions

EdExcel 1.37 to 1.43

With the removal of electrolysis(!) I think that ions, ionic bonding, cation and anion tests (see Unit #6 ions in action) can all be moved into Year 10. Keeping Covalent bonding in Y11 and linking it to Organic chemistry seems to make sense (I think).

Expected Teaching: 6 weeks
Winter: Half Term 2
Unit #6 Ions in Action

EdExcel 2.28 to 2.42, 2.45 to 2.48

Ions in Action is clearly just acids/bases and ion tests. However, tying it explicity to ionic bonding neatens up what was a fairly uneven experience with CIAE. Note that 2.34 requries knowledge of solubility rules, which again means that ion tests fit far better here. It's possible that Unit #5 and #6 will take longer than the winter term to deliver (it's a lot of content)

Expected Teaching: 6 weeks
Spring: Half Term 1
Unit #7 Metals

EdExcel 2.15 to 2.21

The complete loss of metallic bonding, alloys, uses of metals/alloys and the Blast Furnace is a shame, but means that metals focuses solely on reactivity and reactions and includes redox here. I think that means it makes sense for rates of reaction to fit in after Unit #7.

Expected Teaching: 5 weeks
Spring: Half Term 2
Unit #8 Chemical Reactions

EdExcel 3.9-3.18

I think rates (and the tiny 3.17/3.18 equilibirium content) makes sense at the end of Y10 here. That way we've covered basic ideas of ions and concentrations, reaction types, and can use that prior knowledge to introduce rates of reaction, engage again with graph plotting and graphical analysis (from Unit #4)

Expected Teaching: 5-6 weeks
Summer Term
For discussion

There's a full half term unaccounted for here, it's possible to further split Organic II into alkanes and alkenes, teach the alkanes/combustion/isomerism content in the half term before pupils sit the summer exams.

Expected Teaching: 6 weeks

Year 11 [2024-2025]

Winter: Half Term 1
Unit #9 Maths in Chemistry

EdExcel 1.25 to 1.36 , 3.1 to 3.8

I suggest that we start Year 11 with the maths heavy content, there's probably slightly less maths in EdExcel that there is CIAE. EdExcel does not include concentration (mol/dm-3) nor molar gas volumes, but replaces that with Q=mcΔT, ΔH=qx10-3/n and empirical/molecular formulae.

Expected Teaching: 6 weeks
Winter: Half Term 2
Unit #10 Molecules

EdExcel 1.44 to 1.51

This is in the same place (roughly) that we teach it now and has basically the same content (though it does have fewer molecules to learn). A welcome return to fullerene (C60 and no silicon (IV) oxide which is pleasing - I hate drawing SiO2.) This also means a stronger link between covalent compounds and organic compounds, and presents the opportunity to revist fractional distillation in terms of intermolcular forces.

Expected Teaching: 6 weeks
Spring: Half Term 1
Unit #11 Organic II

EdExcel 4.1 to 4.6 and 4.19 to 4.47

EdExcel has no alcohols and no condensation polymers. That means addition reactions are limited to addition polymerisation and the formation of dibromoalkanes. However, it does introduce isomerism (in the form of chain and positional) and requires the drawing and naming of alkanes up to C6H14 and knowing halogen substitution reactions for alkanes, which is the likely positional isomerism they care about.

Expected Teaching: 8 weeks
Spring: Half Term 2
Unit #11 Organic II

EdExcel 4.1 to 4.6 and 4.19 to 4.47

EdExcel has no alcohols and no condensation polymers. That means addition reactions are limited to addition polymerisation and the formation of dibromoalkanes. However, it does introduce isomerism (in the form of chain and positional) and requires the drawing and naming of alkanes up to C6H14 and knowing halogen substitution reactions for alkanes, which is the likely positional isomerism they care about.

Expected Teaching: 8 weeks
Summer Term
Exam Preparation

Like CIAE the exams appear to fall early:

  • 2022: Friday 27 May 4SD0 1C
  • 2021: No Exams 4SD0 1C
  • 2020: No Exams 4SD0 1C
  • 2019: Thursday 16 May
Unlike CIAE there is a single (2hr) exam for chemistry, featuring all of the content (for 110 marks). I've included the exams that are publically available (link is the question mark symbol on the left navbar).

Indexed Specification

The current specification for 4SD0 was published in 2017, for first exam in 2019, prior to that the 4SD0 spec was fairly different and included huge amounts of content not listed here (including concentrations, electrolysis, metallic bonding, hydrogen/oxygen/water, dynamic equilibrium, extraction of metals and Haber).
Be careful when using pre-2020 exam scripts to inform teaching!
4SD0 Content Year Unit Number
1.1 understand the three states of matter in terms of the arrangement, movement andenergy of the particles 9 1
1.2 understand the interconversions between the three states of matter in terms of:
  • the names of the interconversions
  • how they are achieved
  • the changes in arrangement, movement and energy of the particles
9 1
1.3 understand how the results of experiments involving the dilution of coloured solutionsand diffusion of gases can be explained 9 1
1.4 know what is meant by the terms:
  • solvent
  • solute
  • solution
  • saturated solution
9 4
1.8 understand how to classify a substance as an element, compound or mixture 9 1
1.9 understand that a pure substance has a fixed melting and boiling point, but that amixture may melt or boil over a range of temperatures 9 4
1.10 describe these experimental techniques for the separation of mixtures:
  • simple distillation
  • fractional distillation
  • filtration
  • crystallisation
  • paper chromatography
9 4
1.11 understand how a chromatogram provides information about the composition of a mixture 9 4
1.12 understand how to use the calculation of Rf values to identify the components of amixture 9 4
1.13 practical: investigate paper chromatography using inks/food colourings 9 4
1.14 know what is meant by the terms 'atom' and 'molecule' 9 1
1.15 know the structure of an atom in terms of the positions, relative masses and relative charges of sub-atomic particles 9 1
1.16 know what is meant by the terms: atomic number, mass number, isotopes andrelative atomic mass (Ar) 9 1
1.17 be able to calculate the relative atomic mass of an element (Ar) from isotopic abundances 9 1
1.18 understand how elements are arranged in the Periodic Table:
  • in order of atomic number
  • in groups and periods
  • 9 2
    1.19 understand how to deduce the electronic configurations of the first 20 elements fromtheir positions in the Periodic Table 9 1
    1.20 understand how to use electrical conductivity and the acid-base character of oxides to classify elements as metals or non-metals 9 2
    1.21 identify an element as a metal or a non-metal according to its position in the PeriodicTable 9 2
    1.22 understand how the electronic configuration of a main group element is related to its position in the Periodic Table 9 2
    1.23 understand why elements in the same group of the Periodic Table have similarchemical properties 9 2
    1.24 understand why the noble gases (Group 0) do not readily react 9 2
    1.25 write word equations and balanced chemical equations (including state symbols):
    • for reactions studied in this specification
    • for unfamiliar reactions where suitable information is provided
    11 9
    1.26 calculate relative formula masses (including relative molecular masses) (Mr) fromrelative atomic masses (Ar) 11 9
    1.27 know that the mole (mol) is the for the amount of a substance 11 9
    1.28 understand how to carry out calculations involving amount of substance, relativeatomic mass (Ar) and relative formula mass (Mr) 11 9
    1.29 calculate reacting masses using experimental data and chemical equations 11 9
    1.30 calculate percentage yield 11 9
    1.31 understand how the formulae of simple compounds can be obtained experimentally, including metal oxides, water and salts containing water of crystallisation 11 9
    1.32 know what is meant by the terms 'empirical formula' and 'molecular formula' 11 9
    1.33 calculate empirical and molecular formulae from experimental data 11 9
    1.36 practical: know how to determine the formula of a metal oxide by combustion(e.g. magnesium oxide) or by reduction (e.g. copper(II) oxide) 11 9
    1.37 understand how ions are formed by electron loss or gain 10 5
    1.38 know the charges of these ions:
    • metals in Groups 1, 2 and 3
    • non-metals in Groups 5, 6 and 7
    • Ag+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Pb2+, Zn2+
    • hydrogen (H+), hydroxide (OH-), ammonium (NH4+), carbonate (CO32-), nitrate(NO3-), sulfate (SO42-)
    10 5
    1.39 write formulae for compounds formed between the ions listed above 10 5
    1.40 draw dot-and-cross diagrams to show the formation of ionic compounds by electrontransfer, limited to combinations of elements from Groups 1, 2, 3 and 5, 6, 7 only outer electrons need to be show 10 5
    1.41 understand ionic bonding in terms of electrostatic attractions 10 5
    1.42 understand why compounds with giant ionic lattices have high melting and boiling points 10 5
    1.43 know that ionic compounds do not conduct electricity when solid, but do conductelectricity when molten and in aqueous solution 10 5
    1.44 know that a covalent bond is formed between atoms by the sharing of a pair ofelectrons 11 10
    1.45 understand covalent bonds in terms of electrostatic attractions 11 10
    1.46 understand how to use dot-and-cross diagrams to represent covalent bonds in:
    • diatomic molecules, including hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, halogens and hydrogenhalides
    • inorganic molecules including water, ammonia and carbon dioxide
    • organic molecules containing up to two carbon atoms, including methane, ethane,ethene and those containing halogen atoms
    11 10
    1.47 explain why substances with a simple molecular structures are gases or liquids, or solids with low melting and boiling points 11 10
    1.48 explain why the melting and boiling points of substances with simple molecularstructures increase, in general, with increasing relative molecular mass 11 10
    1.49 explain why substances with giant covalent structures are solids with high melting andboiling points 11 10
    1.50 explain how the structures of diamond, graphite and C60 fullerene influence theirphysical properties, including electrical conductivity and hardness 11 10
    1.51 know that covalent compounds do not usually conduct electricity 11 10
    2.1 understand how the similarities in the reactions of these elements with water provideevidence for their recognition as a family of elements 9 2
    2.2 understand how the differences between the reactions of these elements with air andwater provide evidence for the trend in reactivity in Group 1 9 2
    2.3 use knowledge of trends in Group 1 to predict the properties of other alkali metals 9 2
    2.5 know the colours, physical states (at room temperature) and trends in physicalproperties of these elements 9 2
    2.6 use knowledge of trends in Group 7 to predict the properties of other halogens 9 2
    2.7 understand how displacement reactions involving halogens and halides provideevidence for the trend in reactivity in Group 7 9 2
    2.9 know the approximate percentages by volume of the four most abundant gases in dryair 9 3
    2.10 understand how to determine the percentage by volume of oxygen in air usingexperiments involving the reactions of metals (e.g. iron) and non-metals(e.g. phosphorus) with air 9 3
    2.11 describe the combustion of elements in oxygen, including magnesium, hydrogenand sulfur 9 3
    2.12 describe the formation of carbon dioxide from the thermal decomposition of metalcarbonates, including copper(II) carbonate 9 3
    2.13 know that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that increasing amounts in theatmosphere may contribute to climate change 9 3
    2.14 practical: determine the approximate percentage by volume of oxygen in air using a metal or a non-metal 9 3
    2.15 understand how metals can be arranged in a reactivity series based on their reactionswith:
    • water
    • dilute hydrochloric or sulfuric acid
    10 7
    2.16 understand how metals can be arranged in a reactivity series based on their displacement reactions between:
    • metals and metal oxides
    • metals and aqueous solutions of metal salts
    10 7
    2.17 know the order of reactivity of these metals: potassium, sodium, lithium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, zinc, iron, copper, silver, gold 10 7
    2.18 know the conditions under which iron rusts 10 7
    2.19 understand how the rusting of iron may be prevented by:
    • barrier methods
    • galvanising
    • sacrificial protection
    10 7
    2.20 understand the terms:
    • oxidation
    • reduction
    • redox
    • oxidising agent
    • reducing agent in terms of gain or loss of oxygen and loss or gain of electrons
    10 7
    2.21 practical: investigate reactions between dilute hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, and metals (e.g. magnesium, zinc and iron) 10 7
    2.28 describe the use of litmus, phenolphthalein and methyl orange to distinguish betweenacidic and alkaline solutions 10 6
    2.29 understand how to use the pH scale, from 0-14, can be used to classify solutions as strongly acidic (0-3), weakly acidic (4-6), neutral (7), weakly alkaline (8-10) andstrongly alkaline (11-14) 10 6
    2.30 describe the use of universal indicator to measure the approximate pH value of an aqueous solution 10 6
    2.31 know that acids in aqueous solution are a source of hydrogen ions and alkalis in a aqueous solution are a source of hydroxide ions 10 6
    2.32 know that alkalis can neutralise acids 10 6
    2.34 know the general rules for predicting the solubility of ionic compounds in water:
    • common sodium, potassium and ammonium compounds are soluble
    • all nitrates are soluble
    • common chlorides are soluble, except those of silver and lead(II)
    • common sulfates are soluble, except for those of barium, calcium and lead(II)
    • common carbonates are insoluble, except for those of sodium, potassium andammonium
    • common hydroxides are insoluble except for those of sodium, potassium and calcium (calcium hydroxide is slightly soluble)
    10 6
    2.35 understand acids and bases in terms of proton transfer 10 6
    2.36 understand that an acid is a proton donor and a base is a proton acceptor 10 6
    2.37 describe the reactions of hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid with metals,bases and metal carbonates (excluding the reactions between nitric acid and metals)to form salts 10 6
    2.38 know that metal oxides, metal hydroxides and ammonia can act as bases, and thatalkalis are bases that are soluble in water 10 6
    2.39 describe an experiment to prepare a pure, dry sample of a soluble salt, starting froman insoluble reactant 10 6
    2.42 practical: prepare a sample of pure, dry hydrated copper(II) sulfate crystals startingfrom copper(II) oxide 10 6
    2.44 describe tests for these gases:
    • hydrogen
    • oxygen
    • carbon dioxide
    • ammonia
    • chlorine
    9 3
    2.45 describe how to carry out a flame test 10 6
    2.46 know the colours formed in flame tests for these cations:
    • Li+ is red
    • Na+ is yellow
    • K+ is lilac
    • Ca2+is orange-red
    • Cu2+is blue-green
    10 6
    2.47 describe tests for these cations:
  • NH4+ using sodium hydroxide solution and identifying the gas evolved
  • Cu2+, Fe2+and Fe3+using sodium hydroxide solution
  • 10 6
    2.48 describe tests for these anions:
    • Cl-, Br- and I- using acidified silver nitrate solution
    • SO42- usingacidified barium chloride solution
    • CO32- using hydrochloric acid and identifying the gas evolved
    10 6
    2.49 describe a test for the presence of water using anhydrous copper(II) sulfate 9 3
    2.50 describe a physical test to show whether a sample of water is pure 9 4
    3.1 know that chemical reactions in which heat energy is given out are described asexothermic and those in which heat energy is taken in are described as endothermic 9 3
    3.2 describe simple calorimetry experiments for reactions such as combustion,displacement, dissolving and neutralisation 11 9
    3.3 calculate the heat energy change from a measured temperature change using theexpression Q=mcΔT 11 9
    3.4 alculate the molar enthalpy change (ΔH) from the heat energy change (Q) 11 9
    3.8 practical: investigate temperature changes accompanying some of the following typesof change:
    • salts dissolving in water
    • neutralisation reactions
    • displacement reactions
    • combustion reactions
    11 9
    3.9 describe experiments to investigate the effects of changes in surface area of a solid,concentration of a solution, temperature and the use of a catalyst on the rate of a reaction 10 8
    3.10 describe the effects of changes in surface area of a solid, concentration of a solution,pressure of a gas, temperature and the use of a catalyst on the rate of a reaction 10 8
    3.11 explain the effects of changes in surface area of a solid, concentration of a solution,pressure of a gas and temperature on the rate of a reaction in terms of particlecollision theory 10 8
    3.12 know that a catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a reaction, but ischemically unchanged at the end of the reaction 10 8
    3.13 know that a catalyst works by providing an alternative pathway with lower activationenergy 10 8
    3.15 practical: investigate the effect of changing the surface area of marble chips and ofchanging the concentration of hydrochloric acid on the rate of reaction betweenmarble chips and dilute hydrochloric acid 10 8
    3.16 practical: investigate the effect of different solids on the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide solution 10 8
    3.17 know that some reactions are reversible and that this is indicated by the symbol ⇋ in equations 10 8
    3.18 describe reversible reactions such as the dehydration of hydrated copper(II) sulfateand the effect of heat on ammonium chloride 10 8
    4.1 know that a hydrocarbon is a compound of hydrogen and carbon only 11 11
    4.2 understand how to represent organic molecules using empirical formulae, molecular formulae, general formulae, structural formulae and displayed formulae 11 11
    4.3 know what is meant by the terms: homologous series, functional group and isomerism 11 11
    4.4 understand how to name compounds relevant to this specification using the rules of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclaturestudents will be expected to name compounds containing up to six carbon atoms 11 11
    4.5 understand how to write the possible structural and displayed formulae of an organicmolecule given its molecular formula 11 11
    4.6 understand how to classify reactions of organic compounds as substitution, additionand combustionknowledge of reaction mechanisms is not required 11 11
    4.7 know that crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons 9 3
    4.8 describe how the industrial process of fractional distillation separates crude oil into fractions 9 3
    4.9 know the names and uses of the main fractions obtained from crude oil:refinery gases, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, fuel oil and bitumen 9 3
    4.10 know the trend in colour, boiling point and viscosity of the main fractions 9 3
    4.11 know that a fuel is a substance that, when burned, releases heat energy 9 3
    4.12 know the possible products of complete and incomplete combustion of hydrocarbonswith oxygen in the air 9 3
    4.13 understand why carbon monoxide is poisonous, in terms of its effect on the capacityof blood to transport oxygenreferences to haemoglobin are not required 9 3
    4.14 know that, in car engines, the temperature reached is high enough to allow nitrogenand oxygen from air to react, forming oxides of nitrogen 9 3
    4.15 explain how the combustion of some impurities in hydrocarbon fuels results in theformation of sulfur dioxide 9 3
    4.16 understand how sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen contribute to acid rain 9 3
    4.17 describe how long-chain alkanes are converted to alkenes and shorter-chain alkanesby catalytic cracking (using silica or alumina as the catalyst and a temperature in therange of 600-700℃) 11 11
    4.18 explain why cracking is necessary, in terms of the balance between supply and demand for different fraction 11 11
    4.19 know the general formula for alkanes 11 11
    4.20 explain why alkanes are classified as saturated hydrocarbons 11 11
    4.21 understand how to draw the structural and displayed formulae for alkanes with up to five carbon atoms in the molecule, and to name the unbranched-chain isomers 11 11
    4.22 describe the reactions of alkanes with halogens in the presence of ultravioletradiation, limited to mono-substitution 11 11
    4.23 know that alkenes contain the functional group >C=C< 11 11
    4.24 know the general formula for alkenes 11 11
    4.25 explain why alkenes are classified as unsaturated hydrocarbons 11 11
    4.26 understand how to draw the structural and displayed formulae for alkenes with up to four carbon atoms in the molecule, and name the unbranched-chain isomers 11 11
    4.27 describe the reactions of alkenes with bromine to produce dibromoalkanes 11 11
    4.28 describe how bromine water can be used to distinguish between an alkane and an alkene 11 11
    4.44 know that an addition polymer is formed by joining up many small molecules calledmonomers 11 11
    4.45 understand how to draw the repeat of an addition polymer, includingpoly(ethene), poly(propene), poly(chloroethene) and (poly)tetrafluoroethene 11 11
    4.46 understand how to deduce the structure of a monomer from the repeat of an addition polymer and vice versa 11 11
    4.47 explain problems in the disposal of addition polymers, including:
  • their inertness and inability to biodegrade
  • the production of toxic gases when they are burned
  • 11 11


    Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Science Double Award Student Book

    This book provides comprehensive coverage of the new Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) specification with progression, international relevance and support at its core. It is designed to supply students with the best preparation possible for the examination:

    • Integrated exam practice throughout, with differentiated revision exercises, exam practice and learning summary sections.
    • Provides free access to an ActiveBook, a digital version of the Student Book, which can be accessed online, anytime, anywhere supporting learning beyond the classroom.
    • Transferable skills, needed for progression into higher education and employment, are signposted allowing students to understand, and engage with, the skills they're gaining.
    • Pearson progression tools allows quick and easy formative assessment of student progress, linked to guidance on how to personalise learning solutions.
    • Reviewed by a language specialist to ensure the book is written in a clear and accessible style for students whose first language may not be English.
    • Glossary of key terminology, along with full answers included on the ActiveBook.
    • Further teacher support materials, including lesson plans, are provided online.

    Likely a whole science decision... personally I would prefer we develop and deploy booklets (which is what I've been working on with Y9/10 and 12). They've made cover work setting much easier, and if we all use them, mean that there's less variation between staff.
    Edexcel IGCSE Science Double Award Student Guide- Edexcel International GCSE

    • Includes a guide to using the Edexcel International GCSE Biology, Chemistry and Physics Student Books to teach or study Science Double Award, enabling you to find the material covered by the Double Award specification quickly and easily.
    • Contains a revision section with advice and exercises specific to Double Award students.
    • Contains a preparation section with advice on the language used, how to improve learning, and how practical skills will be assessed. Includes three full mock papers - one for Biology, one for Chemistry and one for Physics - to match the Paper 1 exams that Double Award students sit.
    • I think this is for the old spec and doesn't include the more recent 2017 updates

    Likely a whole science decision... personally I would prefer we develop and deploy booklets (which is what I've been working on with Y9/10 and 12). They've made cover work setting much easier, and if we all use them, mean that there's less variation between staff.

    Exam Papers

    Past Exam Papers

    The spec was new in 2019, so there have only been one normal year though (though lots of the content is common across the old and new spec), and EdExcel provide free access to their ExamWizard webware when we sign up. There are both January and June exam series. There are two chemistry exams paper 1C is ours, paper 2C is the add-on paper for separate chemistry.

    4CH1 January 2022 4CH1 October 2021 4CH1 May 2021 4CH1 January 2021 4CH1 October 2020 4CH1 January 2020

  • There is a January 2019 paper, it's old spec and so not that helpful in terms of content (lots of Haber Process, electrolysis and concentration content!)